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ProjectVia.net presents an effort to develop a set of highly customizable project management components, capable of collaborating with ProjectVia.net environment. A lot of effort has been done for making ProjectVia.net as customizable and extensible as possible. Look inside ProjectVia.net below.


ProjectVia.net software environment


ProjectVia.net features

  • 100% Java based
  • MVC based, capable to presents same information in different views (web, standard, XML, Excel, etc.)
  • Multilingual (UTF-8, English, German, Slovene interfaces available)
  • Open source software based
  • Supports open standards (XHTML, CSS, XML, JDBC, UTF-8, …)
  • Component based - can be extended & upgraded
  • Central managed security
  • Independent from software and hardware environment
  • Inexpensive and simple installation, suited for SME
  • Highly customizable (setup values)


ProjectVia.net in numbers

  • JAVA lines: 69524
  • JSP lines: 25578
  • INC lines: 1339
  • PROPERTIES lines: 24806
  • All lines: 121247
  • Controller Java classes: 34
  • External States Java classes: 215
  • DBObjects Java classes: 91

Together with Expresso framework:

  • JAVA lines: 302716
  • JSP lines: 30600
  • INC lines: 1889
  • PROPERTIES lines: 28893
  • All lines: 364098
  • Controllers Java classes: 91
  • External StatesJava classes: 219
  • DBObjects Java classes: 173


JCorporate Expresso framework

ProjectVia.net is based on JCorporate Expresso framework. Expresso is Java based MVC Model 2 architectural framework. It includes Struts and many other popular “open source” products. It assures a complete set of common web application functionalities as presented below. Expresso based applications are database oriented and have following common characteristics:

  • Schema object enables Expresso to reference the application through a single ob-ject. Using schema object, Expresso administers application’s security and other administration functions.
  • Database objects (DBObjects) are designed to be the persistence layer of applications and enable database independent object-relational mapping. Database object offer numerous functions, such as caching, valid values, declarative referential integrity, built-in security and default rendering.
  • Controller objects are used to encapsulate the “upper layer” of Expresso applica-tion’s logic. Based on finite-state-machine they consist of states and transitions be-tween states. They present the controller of the MVC architecture and are direct subclasses of Strut’s Action class. Similar to DBObjects, they have a lot of built in functions such as security and default rendering.
  • Job objects can be created and used for any task that can run independent of the user. Therefore they are suited for longer tasks that do not require user interaction, or tasks that require extensive processing of databases or other data sources. Typically a Job object is designed to send some kind of notification of its completion to the originating user.



Top features

- Multiple projects
- Deskop themes
- Interanationalisation
- XML views



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... is a web application – no client installation necessary.

... is a project management and collaboration support system.

Everything is dynamic, everything is a project.


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